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Job recruitment:Optical Design Engineer (Imaging Optical Lens)
Education Requirement:Bachelors degree
Location:Fuzhou China
Enddate:May 31,2020

Position Responsibilities锛?br /> 1. Have certain design / trial / mass production experience in lens component development
2. Ability to analyze and solve related problems
3. Product sample adjustments with customers
4. Optical relevant background experience
5. Optical imaging design experience
Position requirements
1銆丅achelor's degree, optics, optoelectronics and other related professionals
2銆丠ave more than three year experience in designing optical imaging lenses; work experience in security surveillance lenses; have experience in designing zoom lenses
3銆丗amiliar with the use of plastic aspheric and glass aspherical; Familiar adhesive plastic aspherical lens use
4銆丳roficient in optical design tools and simulation calculation tools
5銆丒nglish level 4 or above锛?br /> 6銆丗amiliar with the basics of optical design, strong aberration analysis ability and stray light analysis ability

Contact: Mr. Tang             Recruitment Email锛歨r7@forecam.com
Company Address: No. 158, Jiangbin East Avenue, Mawei District, Fuzhou China
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Job recruitment Education Requirement Numbers Location Enddate
Optical Design Engineer (Imaging Optical Lens) Bachelors degree 1 Fuzhou China May 31,2020
Vice - Chief Engineer of Optical Design Masters degree or above 1 FuzhouChina May312020
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